Haramase Simulator Apk

Haramase Simulator APK Android Adult Game Latest Version Download


Haramase Simulator APK Android Port – Haramase Simulator 2017 is an open ended visual-novel focused on the impregnation ‘fetish’. In it, you are free to roam around and impregnate as many women as you can, provided you know how to manage your stamina, money and other stats. The game is currently being worked on by a bunch of anons, and it’s in the very early stages of development, so expect it to be a little rough around the edges.​


Updated: 2021-05-20
Censorship: Yes
OS: Windows, Android
Language: English
Genre: 2DCG, Male Protagonist, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Sex, Pregnancy, Creampie, Titfuck, School Setting



>No more ‘2017’
-Haramase Simulator 20XX will now just be called “Haramase Simulator”

>Updated UI
-Lots of improvements to the user experience.

>Custom Character Creator (CCC)
-We have given you the ability to easily add your own custom characters into the game, if you ever wanted to start to learn how to use RenPy now’s a great time. (All future dev admissions will require a completed character in CCC)

>Job Overhaul
-We’ve upgraded how the job system works. Jobs are now catagorized and have a new way to progress through a career path.

>Random Girl Engine update
-More random girls!

>Updated Characters
-Hayasaki has two new dates available.
-Rumines now has a complete route.
-Kurumi is now functional.

>New Characters
-Stephanie – A masochist who you might have seen wandering around the pool.
-Inari – Very VERY late game character, you’ll meet her eventually.

>In Game Updater
-We now have the ability to send the update directly to you!
-This allows us to release a lot more minor updates rather than a rare major one.

>Removed Characters
-Kira – This criminal sister was dropped on the team with poor CG sets, terrible script, and barely functional code.
-Beatrice – Eventually made into a separate character from her first appearence in Kira’s script, but suffered from the same issues of bad CGs.
-The sisters will be back in a future update with updated scripts/sprites/scenes/personalities.



– Get 100,000 credits when entering the game.
– Increase the limit of items that can be carried from 12 – 100.
– Increase money and skill points earned while working.
– There are 200,000 credits in the bank.
– Total 200 stamia at the start of the game. Can be upgraded to 400.
– Increases 2-bar easy-to-stick buff up to 50%



Download Haramase Simulator

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